A Source for Creative Woodworking Techniques

How To

Image Is Everything

Photographing your work.

An article I wrote for FDM / Woodworking Network

Getting noticed, accepted into a show or being judged it often based on your first impression that is often based on a photograph. Taking good shots of your work is extremely important. Knowing how to set up lighting, remove glare, adding accents, can all be achieved with a little practice and patience. I hope you enjoy this article.

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1 Comment

  1. Edward Weber

    I’m sorry no one has commented on this topic but sadly not too surprised.
    I’ve been telling people the same things for about 15 years now. I’m usually met with push back or apathy.
    I didn’t know much at all about taking a good photo of my work, so I learned. For me, it’s an extension of my work, presenting it in the best way possible.
    I don’t have to tell you how many pieces I’ve seen that would otherwise turn heads if it wasn’t for a bad photo.

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